Tuesday, April 13, 2010

23 Months, Just About 2!

Been a long time, we've been busy! Here are the bullet points:

  • The term "terrible twos? We're starting to understand

  • Went through ear tube surgery. Now Alana has a decent vocabulary and will surprise you at any moment with a word she knows. Scary...

  • Hair? It's coming in, but it's coming in however the heck it wants. If we find a robin family living in there it won't be a surprise.

  • Long winter = a child that wants to be outside all the time. Taking her inside is the equivalent of dental surgery to you and I.
  • The best thing? Everything is new to her. It's just amazing. Birds, squirrels, wind, shadows, airplanes, the sun, the moon, gas (all gas) stars, seat belts, trains, bugs, and the list goes on. When she's in adventure mode it makes it all worth it.

  • Mom and dad? We both have learning to do... It's the trick part.

The love is still there, and it just grows and hooks you deeper and deeper. Nothing quite as good as having her fall asleep on your lap, or making her laugh, or making her surprised.

Or having a daughter.